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Don’t Dread Monday can help you move forward with confidence and success with the support and tools you need to take control of your career. Our OI Solutions Career Center ™ offers a comprehensive array of tools and services to create fast results for job seekers. It’s a virtual career-center that goes anywhere from home to office to meetings - anytime.

For a limited time period, we are giving FREE 7-day access to our Career Center. Gain access to hundreds of online resources; courses, articles, videos, webinars and top tips.

Sign-up below to get access to the most comprehensive career portal supporting every aspect of a successful job search and career transition.

Key Features of Career Portal:

  • Self-Insight Assessments: Surface your preferences, motivations, values, working style, and resilience.
  • Just-In-Time Training: 17 on-demand webinars supporting every aspect of successful career/job transition.
  • Video Hub: Expert advice from coaches and employers.
  • Job Database: Search millions of job openings, set alerts.
  • Recruiter Database: eGold directory to reach out to over 1,000 recruiters.
  • O-Net: Explore job options by the abilities, interests, knowledge, or skills they require.
  • Custom dashboard: Practical job search tools are all presented in one place.